How To Improve Your Fuel Economy
Buying a car is expensive and so is everything that comes once you start using it. Fuel prices can be at an all-time high and maintenance costs may trouble you in the long run. To make sure that these expenses go easy on your pockets, it is important for you to learn how to effectively improve your car’s fuel economy so that you end up spending less on oil or gas.
If you are consciously looking at improving the fuel economy of your car so that it can give you a more effective mileage whilst not burning a hole in your wallet, here are a few tips that will come in handy.
Curb the Speeding:
If you’re speeding too much, it’s no surprise that you need a to stop every few days. Revving up your accelerator and going beyond the average speed can end up ruining your fuel economy and can put too much pressure on your engine. Try to quiet down the inner racer in you by staying well within the speed limit and not accelerating much. Always remember that the faster you drive, the quicker you exhaust your fuel.
Go Easy on the Brakes:
Hitting the brakes with one sudden motion doesn’t just damage your car and its systems, it also uses up a lot of energy, which is provided by your fuel. We are always in the habit of hitting the brakes suddenly, be it on jammed roads or signals. To avoid situations like these, it is first important to keep your speeds well within the limit, after which you can have good control on your vehicle if you have to make a quick stop. This way, when you’re approaching a stop or a signal, all you’ll have to do is get your foot off of the accelerator and leave the rest to your car.
Stop Overloading:
The worst possible practice that can really bring down your fuel economy is taking along too much weight in your car. Be it people or goods, weight that exceeds the maximum capacity or is regularly on the heavier side can overwork your engine and in turn threatening your fuel economy. When you’re carrying excessive amounts of weight in your car, you’re essentially making your engine work overtime and consuming a lot a fuel, all at once. Therefore, it is recommended to travel light, especially if you own a sedan or a hatchback.
Know What Fits:
Always ask your dealership or vehicle manufacturer about the motor oil that will be the best fit for your vehicle. The right motor oil can be suggested by your manufacturer based on the tests that are carried out while producing the model of your car, and it can prevent your engine from facing too much friction, improving the fuel economy.